Introducing the U-913A

By Chris Hall; posted September 24, 2013

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This is rather unimposing insulator new to the hobby, first discovered in fragments in 2011. A subsequent search this September turned up pieces of about 10 more, and finally enough parts to kitsulate 95% of one. These were used on a power line in Aylmer Quebec, across from Ottawa, Canada's capital. It is a 2 piece glazeweld style and is unmarked, but possibly a product of Canadian Porcelain. The company was founded in 1912 and glazewelds generally fell out of favour as that decade wore on, so one could date this to the 1912-1920 era. Two shades of brown glaze appear to be used- a chocolate brown and a caramel brown. The example to the left is an incomplete "kit" in the chocolate glaze that was cut in half to illustrate the weld inside. The example on the right is in the lighter glaze and is the only "complete" example.