How things really are...Original Ginori Paderno (part 2)

By Lorenzo Cecconi; posted September 4, 2013

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This second collage represents the real original Paderno insulators that were the original equipment of the power line seen on the previous picture. As you can see, there are two types of Paderno (and their variants). In the photo on the top left you can see (on the background) the comparison of the Padernos which were the original equipment of the power line in 1898 (on the sides) and a similar type that comes from Abruzzo (see the picture on the center. On the top right and bottom left you can see the comparison between the unipart model (on the left), the "Semenza's umbrella" (on the center) and the two part one (on the right). They all come from the original power line and were produced by Ginori. They are in the collection of my friend Guido (thanks for the photos). On the bottom right the two specimens in the collection of my friend Christian. The bigger one is a little different from the others. The wire groove at the top is not larger on the sides like the others, but it is as old as the others. This is how things really are, the other Padernos do not be the original of the Paderno-Milan power line. I am sorry but none of these are the original ancient Paderno of Paderno (see the picture [id=382353216])