Glass in the wild

By Ed Brown; posted September 30, 2002

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Some common stuff found here. Most (except the black plastic "CD 154s")was damaged or totally broken into shards. Glass was all Hemi-42s in aqua, clear and ice blue, Whitall Tatum CD 154s in clear, green "B" CD 145 beehives. The poles are fairly short, about 15 feet or less, short crossarms had 4 pins, but only two insulators, and there were transposition brackets with gray plastic or ceramic "spools" at regular intervals, about every fifth or sixth pole. The wire was 7 strand steel or aluminum with black plastic or PVC insulation (About 1/4 inch OD). It was broken and cut at many locations, obviously not an active line anymore. This pole carries two W-T #1 CD 154s in clear glass.