White Insulator U-744

By Anthony Eiting; posted July 2, 2013

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It is exactly that! A white insulator. I saw this busted insulator on a rock while hiking, hopefully someone would be kind enough to identify it for me. Thanks!

Update: It has been mentioned this could either be a U-930 (picture towards bottom of link http://www.cjow.com/archive/article.php?month=11&a=11Porcelain+Insulator+News.htm&year=1994 ), U-924 ( http://www.r-infinity.com/Porcelain_Display/Porcelain_Display%2c_page_2.htm ), or U-744 ( http://www.nia.org/general/porcelain/unipart/U-744.htm ).

After browsing pictures and some more feedback it looks like it is likely a U-744 (generally attributed to GE). Thanks again David Dahle, Chris Hedges, Brent Burger, Doug Rusher, and Shaun Kotlarsky for the replies!