Ball Perfect Mason - Green/Amber swirls

By Chris Leftwich; posted April 5, 2013

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Well, went out today to look at some insulators a guy had in his barn. Not much as far as insulators (did add a few new ones), but ended up talking about my other interests (jars/bottles). He showed me some he had in his kitchen, which were various aged blue Ball jars, then mentioned he had a few more in a box in the barn. So, I asked to see those and off we went. Not much I was interested in there, but did find this jewel! This is only the second time I've looked at jars with any interest, and I don't know much about them, but I figured like insulators, odd colors were good and amber swirls were better! So I made an offer on about 10 jars and 4 insulators and headed home.