Pair of H.G.Co. CD 162 transition embossed chair leggers

By Lee Southern; posted May 20, 2012

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These look ice green to me, but you be the judge. The light aqua diamond toll on the left is for color reference only.

I purchased these two about eight years ago from a bottle digger that had excavated an old dump somewhere in Northern Ontario. These two were found about a foot apart from each other in the dump, along with a second pair that were not so lucky as they were smashed into "a thousand pieces".

Not only did they survive being on the bottom of a chair, followed by life in a dump, but they survived the bottle digger's culling process, as he normally leaves behind any insulators he finds that have damage.

This pair has had a tough life and have a few battle scars to prove it. The one on the left has a small clam shell chip which can be seen in the picture, plus a couple of smaller minor scrapes. The one on the right has a large bruise on the rear, plus a smaller bruise on the side. Amazingly, there are no damaged drips on either of these.

These two insulators have probably never been more than a few feet apart from each other since the day they were made, so I'd like them to stay together.

Will trade for Canadian Glass, make me an offer.