Unembossed CD 127.4 found in the Desert

By Dan Gauron; posted February 23, 2012

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I've been looking for a 127.4 with character for quite some time without success. Go figure I'd find one of these out in the middle of the desert. OK, just because it was sitting on Jack Roaches table doesn't take way from the excitement of finding one of these old Jewels just outside the old Wild West territorial prison in the Arizona Desert. Another cool find while I was out there for the Yuma tailgater were 2 nice old cedar square poles along side an old line I hiked. Both were about 22' long, in great condition and the location is logged in my GPS . My rental car was a bit too nice to try and strap them to the roof, but I'll figure out some way to get them out of there and back home by next years tailgater. :-) A big thanks to Jack and all the others who helped add some really nice glass to my shelves, and also to the Wild West Gang who put this great tailgater together every year. Dan