A Bigger Fish Story

By Bob Scafe; posted July 23, 2011

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Yes, we are still at Bridge Lake, and only 4 hours have elapsed since Bev caught her big 17 lb 10 oz Lake Trout.

We are sitting by the motor home enjoying a cool one when our friend Blair arrives at the dock, jumps out of the boat with this huge fish cradled in his arms. Another Lake Trout, and the largest he has ever caught. Quick, take my picture before I wake up, and this dream ends. Blair is ecstatic, so I took several pictures. The official weigh in revealed the fish to be 28 lbs, 11 ozs. It measured 38 inches in length. Blair was a happy camper and then decided to relax, and join us for a celebratory drink.

And yes, that is a real fish.