Four Colored Dominions .... Reduced to $16.00...Sold

By Robin Plewes; posted July 14, 2002

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These Dominion - 42's ( CD 154 ) are all in very near mint or better condition. All four insulators have various numbers of round drip points, none of which are chipped. The colors are: ( From left to right ) Peach - Lt Sage Green - Lt Straw - Greeny Aqua . The Greeny aqua Dominion has the embossing rather higher up on the skirt than most, while the Lt Straw insulator's embossing is very strong. This grouping would make a great Dominion representation in your collection, if you didn't have one or wanted to upgrade. Asking 23.00 plus postage. Zap me a note if you're interested or have any questions. Thanks for looking ...... Robin