WHAT? You got MORE of those stupid things!?

By Barrett Nicpon; posted July 7, 2002

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> Here are my antique store finds from today. I spent $12 dollars in total for: 1 large dark red glazed multipart for $6(any help with the M-# on that guy would be GREATLY appreciated!). 1triple petticoat porcelain insulator in a rusty brown colour for $3 (any help with the U-# of that guy would be GREATLY appreciated!). 1 <> CD 102 3 1/2" tall modern style for $1, one LYNCHBURG CD 121 in aqua for $1, one KERR CD 203 tramp in a green tint, and last but definitely not least were two green radio strains one in a French and another in an olive green colour for free with a purchase my parents made (The guy at that antique shop is one for giving out bargains). There were two more chipped ones there, so if their neat green colour appeals to anyone out there in ICON land I can get you one. Ahhhhh! Another successful day's hunting done!