Old Fire / Police Alarm bracket

By Brent Burger; posted August 12, 2010

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Spokane used to be loaded with these things. Most were single pin units like this one, but some had a wide "U" shaped top to accomodate two pin positions. There was a single one still in service in the late 90's over in the NE section of town with five pin positions, .... the single like you see here, but with two "J' type hooks down each leg. I never had the moxie to go snag that one before it disappeared. About five years ago there were dozens of these that remained in the air, when suddenly they all vanished overnight. After that offensive, only 4 remained that was aware of. With a possible upcoming deployment, I decided it was time to get these last few saved before they ended up in the scrap bin like the rest while I am gone. I got out my "official" gear and over the course of this last week saved them all.