Insulator Chess

By Brian Weeldreyer; posted March 10, 2010

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John Sheehan just posted a picture [id=272821711] of insulators being used in a Lands' End catalog that appear to be pieces in a large game of checkers. I always thought it would be pretty cool to make a chess board big enough to use insulators. Then the question is, "What should I use for the pieces?". Here are my choices:

King: CD 267 looks like the grand Poobah or a Norse god with horns; Queen: CD 251 she's got a hoop skirt and a crown; Bishop: CD 149 if anything's a bishop's hat, this is it; Knight: CD 128.4 it's a bucking horse - look really really really squinty-eyed and maybe you'll see it; ;-) Rook: CD 206 duh!; Pawn: CD 101 the little subservient one.

What would your chess board look like?