M-3890 thomas

By Michael Spadafora; posted October 6, 2009

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The Thomas M-3890 was produced in much smaller numbers then the New Lexington version ...Only a handful of complete ones have been found . The colors range from dark mahogany to bright yellow on these. The colors of these make them the absolute winner of the award for most attractive glaze on any multipart .Remember the top of this insulator is 14.5 inches wide and it is 21 inches tall! This insulator was smashed into about 50 separate parts and took three days to clean, glue, fill in the missing or chipped places, and paint the filler to match the glaze . It took the better part of three eight hour days of work to restore from the broken pieces found in a dump to what you see here. The chances of a whole unbroken 3890 ever being found are pretty much nil ! This incredible specimen is now in the collection of Mid Norris who truly means it when he says " I'm a Thomas guy"