The begining of a new collection

By Bob Scafe; posted June 13, 2009

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I like things that are different. Foreign Insulators are neat. Fuse Cut-outs are interesting, but I have just found myself caught up with, for lack of a better name, FIREPLUGS. These definitely qualify as different.

So here they are, all lined up on the display rack, like brave little soldiers

Here is my collection to date, all 18 pieces, in three styles / sizes, and at least 2 manufacturers Undoubtedly there are larger pieces, and more manufacturers, but it is with these 18 pieces that I began my new collection. I will be looking to add new pieces to my collection of Fireplugs, and I would also appreciate hearing from you, if you know the proper name for these neat little guys.

I have posted some pictures of the various sizes, styles and different embossings, plus I have found something that is quite unusual on one of these pieces.

Check out the next few pictures to see if you can spot what has me all excited. As usual, I would like to hear from anyone that has a potential candidate for my new collection