Hickok Point on iron rod

By Jim Colburn; posted March 31, 2008

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This well weathered lightning rod point and rod are from a Hickok Lightning rod system. The point is 10 1/4" long. It is a triangular shape. The rusty iron rod is four sided and concave. It has a gentle 'twist' to it, and it makes a full revolution in a 27" span of rod. The original HIckock LRIs were taken down at the same time as this rod was removed from a home in Massachusetts in the 1990s. The inventor of the LRI involved with this system was Russel Hickok. All of the LRIs have his name misspelled! They are marked: HIckock's Patent/ 1859. Purchased in the 1990s. The patent number is 23,373 and can be found on the patent reference page.