Boy & running dog with kite caught on an insulator.

By Dave Wiecek; posted March 23, 2008

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A special thanks goes out to David Boothroyd for posting a picture of a sculpture he thought might be of interest to collectors. [id=206717844]. I first saw this sculpture at the Golden Nugget Flea Market in Lambertville, New Jersey about 5 years ago. At the time, I thought it was interesting but not enough to buy it. Of course, afterwards I wished I had. I've been searching on and off on the internet and eBay seeing if I could track it down. Since it had no maker or title and the subject matter is generic (boy / kite / dog / telephone pole) I was never able to locate it. I am sure it is mass produced but I can't quite tell how old it might be.

Its mounted on a heavy rock base. The figures (boy and dog) are bronze in appearance but likely are not. The pole appears to be brass and metal. The details of the pole (pole steps / cross arm / insulators) are commendable.

If anyone knows more about this sculpture, who might have made it or has seen another, please let me know.

I'll post a picture that is focused better as soon as time permits.