Rare red amber Whitall Tatum CD 154.UPDATED

By Chris McClelland; posted February 12, 2008

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This piece will be for sale in Ray Klingensmiths poletop auction. Offered here is a very rare red amber WT CD 154.I really disdain using the word "rare" because it's so commonly misused on the eplace, but this one certainly qualifies as rare. Superb red amber as picture depicts and insulator DID see service, there are a couple light wire marks from a rubber coated wire being used which would probably scrub off. I was under the idea that these had been made as an experimental piece never seeing service, but I was wrong;-).I am nit picking on condition so even the tiniest pin prick will be noted. One very small fleebite on the wire groove lip edge and 2 micro pin point tics on the wire groove lip next to the fleebite and at the rear.NO chips, flakes, nibbles, chunks, anything.....Displays perfect from any angle and upgrading will be nigh impossible. This is probably the last time I will ever have one of these rare WT's again for sale. Book is $3,000.More pix available, any angle at your req. First mail to me..... $2,400 shipped anywhere on the planet. Price is firm as it's priced decently below book and so close to perfect.