Little wood insulators?

By Jack Foote; posted January 19, 2008

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Somewhere in the dark recesses of my age idled mind. . . I seem to remember reading an article about early interior electrification of homes. This was before the advent of porcelain nob, cleat, and wall tube production. The article mentioned that early attempts to 'insulate' bare inside house wiring was accomplished by using small wood insulators. Well. . . the results were kinda sorta well mebe not good. Seemed that the wires generated heat when used and in some cases causing the little wood insulators to sorta catch fire and then mebe kinda sorta cause the house to burn down. . . .so the advent of porcelain insulators for inside application became more . . . practical. Found these three small insulators the other day. Were advertised as WW1 telephone wire insulators. . . .source not known. They are small. . . made of some type of hard wood. . . and have never been used. Fun to think that maybe these little guy's . . . never made it into a home's wall space. . . holding a smoldering bare copper wire. . . as they were replaced by their more favorite porcelain counter-parts. Will never know their use but interesting little go-withs none-the-less!

knob & cleat dog ^..^

PS-the little white porcelain fencers are for size comparison.