HEMINGRAY oil lamp? No, but could have been....UPDATE....

By Timothy M. Baggett; posted March 20, 2007

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Picked this piece up at auction last night. Did not see one like it on HEMINGRAY.NET and can'f find my Thuro Lamp Book ( it's in a pile somewhere). Two rings on burner collar, sunken in area around collar to collect oil, font and stem are joined together.


Bob Stahr, our historian of Hemingray, says "no" on the Hemingray part. He says the pattern is called "EYEBROW" by many collectors, but the manufacturer of this piece is still unknown.

I was hoping I had found a new goodie. The brass collar and the glass joint between font and stem appear similar to ones pictured on HEMINGRAY.NET

Anyway, I liked the lamp anyway and will add it to my collection.

Thanks to Bob for his help on identifying this piece.