Snaped pole

By Michael Spadafora; posted December 18, 2006

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The next series of photos are of the December windstorm in the Pacific Northwest. The day after The storm, more then 1,000,000 people were without power in Western Washington alone. The majority of Thurston County, where I live, was without power after the storm. Sevral houses in my neighborhood were badly damaged by falling trees and a number of distribution lines were damaged and downaround my home . A number of 55kV sub-transmition lines went down as well . Some people may not get power for two weeks . Unfortunately Puget Sound Energy, our local investor owned utility, made the insane move of firing the majority of there line crews a few years ago as a cost cutting mesure and farmed out all line work to contractors. This has slowed the process of repairs . Also they cut the budget for tree trimming, further adding to line damage ... People in Seattle and Tacoma are both served by public municipal utilitys which have done a much more efficant job of getting the lights back on. welcome to the age of utility deregulation kids!!!