Denver's Anyone? And a few Californias too.

By John Rajpolt; posted December 12, 2006

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Here is a shot of the top half of my backlit cabinet - all Denver pieces (well, the bottom row in the photo contains a yellow CGI 102, 10 two-tone Cals, and a two-tone Postal beehive). The top left row are CD 121 Good pieces; the top right are CD 121 WGM pieces plus a CD 162 OVG with purple swirls in the dome. The second row are CD 134 WFG pieces with a CD 134 WGM in purple and a CD 134 Good aqua with milk. The third row are CD 121 WFG pieces. The fourth row is a CD 106 WGM in purple, a CD 162 WFG in silver, a CD 162 R Good in fizzy dark purple, a two tone pink/straw CD 162 WGM, 3 CD 145 Grand Canyons, and then 6 CD 145 WGM's including one grand canyon style. If anyone out these has a Denver piece that would fit in this display, let me know. Thanks.