Early Threadless Purple $ 1.00 Yeah, right!!!

By Bob Scafe; posted October 12, 2006

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June, 1996, and I have been collecting insulators for about 3 weeks. Have no books, don't have a computer and don't know any other collectors, but I am keen to get more insulators . I'm already up to about 20 in the collection. Cruising through a Junque shop, and I spot this clear threadless insulator. Whoa, Jackpot. For some reason, I knew about threadless, but didn't know anything else about them. I bought this treasure for $1-, a great deal, and promptly displayed it at home on a window sill. About 3 weeks later, we're in an antique mall, and find another of these rare early threadless insulators being used as a bottle stopper. Oh rats, guess I'll have to keep looking for a real threadless. Since moving to Merritt, my early "Threadless" has been out in the Insulator Field, and has begun to take on a purple tint. I guess that all those years previous, it had been inside away from the sunlight. I have had lots of fun telling folks the story about my early "Threadless" find. The're still out there folks !!!