Can you Identify these insulators. U # and Mfg. Co.

By Bob Scafe; posted October 8, 2006

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I am seeking to identify these insulators by country of manufacture, and the proper U number. Do you have one like these. It has been suggested to me that these insulators are of foreign manufacture, but my gut feeling is that they are North American in origin. In fact, I think they are Canadian. Oh, Canada!!! I was wrong once before, so if it happens that I have goofed again, so be it. But I do need your input as to where these come from, and who made them. I had 2 of these, and on Monday past, I found the chipped one in a Salmon Arm, B.C. antique shop. Actually, I have found all 3 in antique shops located in western Canada, 1 in Alberta, and 2 in British Columbia. You don't usually find 3 unusual insulators in antique shops, particularly if they are foreign in origin. Your thoughts and comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.