So many questions, so few answers

By Bob Scafe; posted August 27, 2006

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I know, I had better buy the book. So soon old, so late smart!! I require the U-# for each of the insulators in the centre row, please. Working l-r, begining with the Lapp insulator. Was this style made by anyone else, or is it unique to the Lapp Co.? Do you perhaps have some for sale in different colours, or by different manufacturers? 2nd and 3rd from left. Both these pieces are the only ones I have ever seen. Who are they attributed to [mfg], and are they available for sale in other colours, mfgr's? Last, the3 OB's on the rt. Note base size difference. Again, is OB the only mfgr. of this style, or are there other manufacturers and colours available. Your help is appreciated and thanks for looking.