4 KV deadend

By Chris Sweryda; posted August 19, 2006

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Following these two transmission lines North another two blocks, they suddenly turned to continue on west down a back alley. The two 4 KV underbuild circuits also turned along with two more feeders that came down from farther up north making 2 24 KV circuits and 4 4 KV circuites now heading west from this spot. When the 4 4 KV circuits come to the 24 KV corner pole (2 feeders go north and 2 follow the 24 KV south) they actually contine east one more span across the street I was on and dead end on this overhead guy pole. The top guy wire is the east guy for the 24 KV corner) Notice the old johney ball deadend and the single phase 4 KV that continues on about 5 spans east down this alley. Oddly enough, the guys don't drop down here, but actually continue east to one more overhead-guy pole (see next pic) before being anchored

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