CD 737.5 blackglass against book profile reference picture

By Jason Nickerson; posted July 15, 2006

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A bottle collector close to our home here in Nova Scotia had told us that he had found a couple of pieces of threadless glass near where a new pole hole had been drilled. He said that one was blackglass and one was Cobalt blue. We sorta shrugged it off (heard stories of this nature before) but said we would like to see them. We stopped in to see the guy who had them this morning and I just about fell over. The two pieces he showed us were of an amber blackglass (almost impossible to see through) 737.5 and a stunning Cobalt blue 737.5 (Both unlisted) both with the circle pin hole (not the square). The pin hole would appear to be around 5/8" in diameter. Best part is, we know the location they were found and the overland telegraph must have followed a road that runs for approx. 10 miles through the woods. Needless to say it shall be hunted by me and my father until our backs break. Ill keep everyone posted if we turn up any more shards or whole pieces.

A couple new colours for the price guide perhaps ?

This pic is the blackglass piece laid on top of the reference book picture of a 737.5.
