By Paul Ziemer; posted January 13, 2002

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If you remember the Sunday comic strip Dick Tracy you will recall he was one of the world's greatest crime fighters who brought numerous fictitious bad guys to justice. Two of the bad guys Tracy and his men tracked down and put behind bars were known as BB Eyes and Flattop. Although BB Eyes and Flattop have long been behind bars the quest to bring others like them to justice continues today.

Unlike the cartoon characters found in the comic strip, the two rascals pictured above are real. And up until a few years ago remained at large. Both of these characters were on my top ten "Most Wanted List"! They were quite clever over the years and avoided capture by covering themselves with dirt and smoke to conceal their true identity. In the end though, it was the well-trained insulator detectives who spotted them one day and decided to take a closer look and pulled them both down for some routine questioning. It was there back at headquarters after a deep soak in oxalic Acid; it became very apparent that these were the two we were looking for. After extensive questioning under the bright lights, we found out that the character on the left with the perfectly symmetrical and positioned BB sized bubble found in each ear, (BB Eyes) is really a HEMINGRAY CD 257 in Blue Aqua. And as for the character on the right, (Flattop), we revealed he is really a LOCKE CD 286 in Green!

It was a quick trial and the jury had no trouble finding both BB Eyes and Flattop guilty of wrongful disguise by use of smoke and dirt. The judge in turn took the guilty verdict and pronounced sentence that each insulator is to remain in custody for life and are to spend the rest of their days indoors, on a shelf, behind glass...