Affordable Nail in Dome Signal Insulator Sold

By Colin Jung; posted December 26, 2001

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This sky blue McLaughlin signal insulator, CD 162[010] RDP, has a 5/8 inch finishing nail in the rear portion of the dome. There is a fine amber strand that comes off the nail tip. Note the large fisheye on the dome on one end of the nail. As McLaughlin glass collectors know, finding any significant junk in a McLaughlin insulator is rare. Despite the heavy use of cullet, William McLaughlin was adamant about quality control and rarely did these escape his notice. Fred Padgett (author of Dreams of Glass) has been collecting McL's longer than anyone, 30+ years, and has only a handful of junkers. Unfortunately there is other damage, show in the other photos. Taking offers: trade or trade and $$. Will accept only California or C.G.I.Co. embossed insulators in trade. (sold)