Power Line Voltage rating wanted

By Bob MacHann; posted August 26, 2005

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What would the voltage rating be for these power corridors, especially the one on the right? (Something like 230kV or 345kV?) The left corridor services a nearby steam co-generation plant, and the jump-tower to the plant can be seen in the background. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From Brian Orr-- Hi, I'm not a lineman yet, but plan on being one, so I know quite a bit from borrowing books from some linemen, and the left towers look to be 138kV or 230kV, however I don't think the towers on the right are 345kV due to tower configuration, that type of tower is more prominent in 765kV, but it could be 500kV, Brian ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks, Brian for the information. Was not aware that 765kV existed (Wow!) So....can it be confirmed that the right corridor is 500kV or 765kV?