Sold! 4 Amber Capacitor Bushings for sale.

By Rick J. Bentley; posted September 17, 2004

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I have 4 different capacitors for sale. From left to right - A - $38 Excellent, no chips or cracks, light flaking where metal band was near bottom ID# 99-609.

B - $40 Also excellent, has the metal still on it. ID# RC-1.

C - $36 Very nice, odd color. shall small fingernail chip of base, has a little metal still attached near bottom. ID# 00-384.

D - $52 Beautiful Yellow Amber color, with metal. No chips or cracks, might be a few flakes at base or other area. ID# 03-001.

For another picture, here [id=100014375]

Actual shipping/insurance cost to be paid for by buyers.
