The Blue Ridge Jewel Gazette

Volume 1

Number 3

April 15, 2003

The winter is on its way out, and with its exodus the lost insulators are quickly taking refuse under Mother Nature’s green blanket. Only a few weeks ago you could walk the rails and see the jewels in fencerows and ditches.




When you look back at the long walks of the winter, you long for just one more cool, clear day; just one more chance to find one more good insulator. The walks were long, sometimes cold, sometimes hot but each one was worth it. Not only were a lot of insulators uncovered, but the lost history of the railroads and the rivers were still there to enjoy. With the changing weather the scenery is breath taking. And now, the time is fast approaching for making plans for next year.

It’s almost time for our spring meeting. May 10, 2003 is the date and the host is Chris Childress of Riner, VA. This will be a swap meet so bring a few items to sell or trade. Chris will have a few tables but not enough for everyone. If you have much to display or sell, you will need to bring a small table or ground cover (blanket) with you.

A few members of the Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club plan to attend our meeting. There should be some good insulators on display as well as sale and trade items.

Bring something to display. We will give a prize for the best/most unusual display. We will also have a 50/50 drawing.

Food will be served around noon. Come with a good appetite and plan on having some fun. Chris would like for you to bring a dessert or some drinks for the feast.

The directions to Chris’ house are as follows:

Interstate 81 to exit 114 South (Route 8, Riner VA exit)

Go five miles…there will be a Shell station on the left

Take the first road to the left after the Shell station

Go to the second drive on the right

You have arrived!

We will start around 10:00 a.m. We look forward to seeing you.

Please email me and let me know if you will be able to attend. This will help Chris with his preparations.

Tom Snead
